Solar Electric Blog


Texas Solar Incentive Program Notice 2020 - Get up to $8500!

Posted by Solar Expert on February 6, 2020

It’s that time again! On January 22, 2020, Oncor released the details of its annual solar incentive program, which will undoubtedly launch the wild “solar coaster” ride we experience in North Texas every year. If you live in the Oncor service area, you can get paid up to $8,500 just for installing solar panels on your home.

When combined with the generous Federal income tax incentives, the two programs can offset the total cost of a solar panel system by up to 50% or more. But, you have to act fast, because the Oncor incentive cash is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and once the money runs out, it’s gone for the year!

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How Much Does It Cost to Install Solar Panels?

Posted by Solar Expert on January 6, 2020

Here at DFW Solar Electric, we have lots of conversations with homeowners who have heard about solar, but have no idea if solar is right for them. The two questions we get every day are 1) how much does it cost to install solar panels, and 2) how much money can I save by going solar?

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Solar Loans For Your Home

Posted by Solar Expert on January 4, 2014

Over the last decade, highly efficient photovoltaic (solar panel) systems have become more affordable than ever. Factors are growing more favorable every year:

Innovative design and engineering techniques are leading to improved product yield. Worldwide, dozens of reputable manufacturers are competing for market share, further driving down costs. Federal, state and municipal regulators are encouraging implementation through tax incentives and rebate programs.

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Solar Tax Incentives – Act Before December 31

Posted by Solar Expert on December 13, 2013

Solar Tax Incentives Don’t Last Forever

The folks at DFW Solar Electric aren’t tax advisers, we’re your friends. And friends don’t let their friends end the year without one last reminder that some key federal tax laws are changing.

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