Zero Emissions Day

Posted by Solar Expert on September 7, 2022


Zero Emissions Day is on September 21st each year. DFW Solar Electric is here to help people reduce their emissions year-round. Read the full article to learn more.

Did you know that Zero Emissions Day has its origins in Canada? Back in 2008, founder Ken Wallace launched a website calling for people to burn no fossil fuels for 24 hours on September 21st. The idea was simple: "Give our planet one day off a year."

The response was overwhelming, and Zero Emissions Day quickly evolved into a worldwide movement. Every year on September 21st, people from all over the globe pledge to switch off their fossil fuel-powered devices and go completely emissions-free for 24 hours.

Celebrating zero emissions doesn’t have to be limited to September 21st each year, though. Did you know that every day can be Zero Emissions Day? That's right – when you switch to solar power, you can celebrate clean energy year-round!

Solar energy is one of the most abundant and sustainable resources on our planet. And when you harness its power, you're not just doing your part to protect the environment; you're also saving money on your energy bills.

Rooftop solar power is recognized by homeowners as an excellent way to live more sustainably. People who have switched to solar save money on their electricity each month, help the environment, and increase their home value.

So why not make the switch to solar today? With rebates and incentives available in many states, there's never been a better time to go green. And on Zero Emissions Day, you can be proud to know that your home is powered by clean, renewable energy.

Looking for more ways to celebrate Zero Emissions Day? Check out these tips:

  • Advocate for solar power. Spread the word about the benefits of solar energy and encourage your friends and family to switch to solar.
  • Go electric. If you can, make the switch to an electric car. Not only will you be reducing your emissions, but you'll also be saving money on fuel costs.
  • Educate yourself and others about climate change. The more we know about the issue, the more we can do to solve it.
  • Support clean energy initiatives. Vote for candidates who support renewable energy and lobby for policies that will accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.
  • Reduce your energy consumption. One of the best ways to reduce your emissions is to simply use less energy. Turn off lights when you leave a room, unplug electronics when they're not in use, and consider investing in energy-efficient appliances.

Every day can be Zero Emissions Day – so celebrate accordingly! Switch to solar power today and do your part to create a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.


DFW Solar Electric is Your Expert Solar Installer

With more than 30,000 solar panels installed to date, DFW Solar Electric has the experience and professionalism to provide homeowners in Texas with the best, most efficient possible solar power system. We use only products from reputable and time-trusted suppliers, and our installations are guaranteed to last with industry-standard maintenance. While there are many solar installers to choose from, selecting one who knows the area and already has a proven track record of excellence can simplify the process and ensure the best returns on investment.

If you are considering making the switch, contact DFW Solar Electric today. With so many benefits, there’s no reason not to go solar! Call 972-827-7651, and we’d be happy to answer any of your questions and help you get started on your journey to renewable energy.


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