Why DFW Homeowners Should Consider Switching to Solar Today

Posted by Solar Expert on April 13, 2022


Our solar experts can help determine if you’re a good candidate by providing a complete diagnostic of your home’s solar readiness. Read the full article to learn more.

Residential solar systems provide several benefits to homeowners, such as lower electric bills, increased property value, reduced environmental impact, and so on – but before investing, it’s critical to determine if solar is right for you.

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of the top reasons homeowners in Dallas-Fort Worth should switch to solar power.

For starters, installing solar panels can save you money on your electric bill. Solar systems generate their own electricity, which means you’ll be using less of the electricity from your utility company and the main power grid. This will lower your monthly bill, and in some cases, eliminate it entirely. In Texas, you can also sell excess electricity back to the grid through a process called net metering. Net metering is credited monthly against your utility bill, putting more money back in your pocket.

In addition to saving money, solar panels also increase the value of your home. A study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that homes with solar systems sold for an average of $15,000 more than comparable homes without solar. Solar panels are also low maintenance, so once they’re installed, they require little to no upkeep.

And finally, going solar shows that you’re committed to sustainability and taking care of the environment – something that future generations will appreciate. Solar energy is a renewable resource, which means it won’t run out like fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing climate change. Solar panels don’t release any pollutants, making them a much cleaner energy source.

So, there you have it – the top reasons to switch to solar power in Dallas-Fort Worth. Solar energy is good for your wallet, good for the environment, and good for your home’s value.

With more than 30,000 solar panels installed to date, DFW Solar Electric has the experience and professionalism to provide your home with the best, most efficient possible solar power system. We use only products from reputable and time-trusted suppliers, and our installations are guaranteed to last with industry-standard maintenance.

Our solar experts can help determine if you’re a good candidate by providing a complete diagnostic of your home’s solar readiness, including:

  • Roof analysis – Some roofs may require repairs or structural strengthening before they’re ready for a solar installation.
  • Sunlight angle analysis – Does your roof experience excessive shade or awkward sunlight angles that may lead to inefficient solar panels? Is there enough flat space to make panels a viable and efficient option?
  • Legal analysis– Does your city, county, or homeowner’s associate restrict the use of solar panels on your property? DFW Solar Electric can often work with these entities to reach a resolution that makes your solar installation possible.

If you’re thinking about switching to solar, contact us today to learn more at 972-827-7651. We’d be happy to answer any of your questions and help you get started on your journey to renewable energy.


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