Solar power and global climate action

Posted by Solar Expert on October 6, 2021


Global Climate Action Day takes place in the first week of November this year. This day brings together world leaders all committed to the health and well-being of our planet. Read more.

Global Climate Action Day takes place in the first week of November this year. This day brings together world leaders all committed to the health and well-being of our planet. This year, leaders from all over will come together for the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) Global Climate Summit, which aims to:

  • Secure global net-zero by mid-century
  • Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
  • Mobilize finances so people can live more sustainably

Climate change is measured over extended periods across the earth. Measurements that are evaluated include temperatures, changes in precipitation, rising sea levels, shrinking mountain glaciers, and more. We all play a role in the health of our global climate. Switching to solar power is one of many ways that we can reduce our personal impact on climate change.

How does switching to solar impact climate change?

Solar power systems generate little-to-no greenhouse gas emissions throughout their life in comparison to conventional fossil fuel energy sources. While there may be some greenhouse gas emissions produced during the manufacturing and recycling of the solar panels and parts of the system, the generation of energy results in zero emissions and no negative environmental impact. Nevertheless, the amount of these associated emissions pale in comparison to emissions created by natural gas, oil, and coal.

Although storms, shade, and nighttime can mean solar panels are not generating electricity, advances in battery storage technology make solar systems more reliable than ever. With systems that combine solar and battery storage, consumers can use energy whether the sun is shining or not, and regardless of whether the larger power grid is up and running.

And while solar energy is not the only solution to climate change, it is an effective way to help reduce your personal carbon footprint. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), one gigawatt-hour of solar generation can prevent the creation of 690 metric tons of CO2. When greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, this can contribute to the “Greenhouse Effect,” which occurs when these chemicals get trapped, causing the earth’s temperature to rise.

A comprehensive study conducted by NREL determined the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted over an energy source’s lifetime noted that: “While coal-powered technology used up 1050 g of carbon dioxide per kWh of electricity over its lifetime (a median estimate measured in CO2 eq/kWh), solar PV consumed 55 g CO2 eq/kWh.”

Why you need solar power

Environment. Solar creates clean energy that won’t contribute to air pollution, eliminating greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions. As a result, it reduces the need for fossil fuels and improves your carbon footprint.

Savings. Residential solar panels can pay for themselves in as few as six to eight years, resulting in 22 to 24 years of savings. Some homeowners have been able to reduce their electric bills by as much as 95%.

Home Value. Adding solar panels to your home can increase its resale value by $15,000 or more. In addition, solar panel systems are expected to last 30 years or longer. That's a home upgrade for buyers to get excited about! 

How can you get involved for Global Climate Action Day?

Taking place on November 4, 2021, this year, Global Climate Action Day is a national day everyone can participate in. The Climate Action project involves more than 2.5 million participants across 140 countries and is launched yearly in October.

DFW Solar Electric is an experienced and professional solar installation company, and we adhere to all building codes and industry standards. We use only products from reputable suppliers, and our solar panels, inverters, and racking materials are guaranteed to last. Contact us today at to learn more about how going solar can both save you money and help the environment.


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