5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Solar to Power Your Home in Texas

Posted by Solar Expert on September 22, 2021


Have you been considering switching to solar to power your home in Texas, but aren’t certain if it’s right for you? Read more.

Winter is right around the corner, and if we have learned anything by living in Texas, it’s that the weather can be unpredictable and cause for concern for many homeowners. Read on to learn five benefits of residential solar that you won’t want to miss out on this year.

  1. Reliable access to electricity. Yes, you read that right, switching to solar can mean reliable access to electricity. How is this possible? Combined home solar panels and battery storage systems enable homeowners to power their homes independent from the main grid. On a normal day, this may not seem like a big deal, but the next time there is a natural disaster, thunderstorm, or downed power line – non-grid tied homes remain unaffected. Power outages? Energy shortages? Rolling blackouts? Now, these scary news headlines are little-to-no cause for concern.
  2. Greater control over your energy consumption. You mean to tell me that this can be monitored, and adjustments can be made to control energy consumption and minimize wasted energy? Yes, that’s correct! Home solar panel and battery storage systems come with access and insight into your consumption habits so you can see when you are using electricity most.
  3. Increased home value. Installing solar panels on my rooftop can increase the value of my home? Yes, that’s what the studies have shown. Whether you’re upgrading your home for a future sale or making it your forever home, property values are proven to increase with solar installations. Across the United States, solar panels can raise the value of a house by over four percent on average. This value can be increased as the panels are on the rooftop longer, and this home upgrade can even help a house on the market sell faster than a home without solar panels.
  4. Financial incentives. There are many different financial incentives available depending on the specifics of your solar installation project. For some, they choose to take advantage of the tax breaks and cash incentives available based on where they live. Others may take advantage of federal investment tax credits (ITC) or tax exemptions from buying a solar system outright, rather than financing it. Another way homeowners can earn additional income is through ‘net metering,’ which is when homeowners can sell their excess energy to the electric company to offset their bill.
  5. Environmental benefits and peace of mind. Home solar panels offer a clean, emissions-free, and renewable energy source. Unlike fossil fuels, such as coal or gas, solar power does not release harmful air pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions. Switching to solar is a great way to help take care of our planet and all the people living on it.

There is no better time to switch to solar than now. Winter is right around the corner, and with a reliable solar panel and battery storage system, you can be confident in your ability to keep your home warm, your devices charged, and your family safe and sound.

Getting solar energy for your home is surprisingly affordable and may be easier than you think. Our process is designed so that we do the work while keeping you informed. At DFW Solar Electric, we have experienced and professional installation teams, and we adhere to all building codes and industry standards. We use only products from reputable suppliers, and our solar panels, inverters, and racking materials are guaranteed to last.

If you are ready to switch to solar, contact us today at 972-827-7651.

To get an estimate from DFW Solar Electric, visit https://estimate.dfwsolarelectric.com/.


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